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🔮✨ Spirit Candle ✨🕯️


🔮✨ Your Personalised Spirit Candle ✨🕯️

Elevate your spiritual journey with one of my exquisite Spirit Candle, meticulously crafted with magickal energy chosen specifically for you by Spirit.

🌟 Crafted with Intention: When I sit with Spirit on your behalf, I immerse myself in their guidance for at least half an hour, often longer. Through this sacred connection, Spirit reveals the colours, fragrances, crystals, and every element meant to honour and connect with you. From their favourite colours to fragrances with significant meanings, each aspect is chosen with care and intention to create a deeply personal and meaningful experience.

💌 Personalised Message: With your Spirit Candle, you'll receive a handwritten note conveying messages from Spirit, explaining the significance of each element chosen for you. This heartfelt message serves as a comforting reminder of the eternal bond shared between souls, guiding you on your journey of remembrance and connection.

🌟 Please note that Spirit Candles are in high demand, and there may be a waitlist for this unique offering. If so, I'll ensure to keep you informed every step of the way, as I honour and prioritise your connection with the divine.

Blessed be, Ness XxX

✨ Each Spirit Candle comes in a large 12oz tin, beautifully packaged in a large gift box, ready to accompany you on your journey of remembrance and connection.


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